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ACADEMY OF STORYTELLERS – An online learning academy for professional filmmakers. 


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It took time, humility, and it took an openness to experimentation for each of us to believe in our dreams to tell stories through film.

We’ve shared your doubts and your need to create and share that creation.

At the Academy of Storytellers, we know your passion for storytelling. So we grew a community of creative professionals who want to improve their filmmaking craft and learn how to build a lifelong career in storytelling. 

Over the past 4 years, we’ve created and compiled a custom library of film-making knowledge covering every aspect of the process. As a member of the community, you have access to this wealth of knowledge for free.

Why? Because community is about building each other. We share our wins and failures, our tips and tricks, and the stories created along the way. 

In addition, we now offer our community valuable, hands-on TOGETHER Workshops taught by skilled professionals to help you achieve your dreams at an affordable price.

In these workshops, you’ll learn from award-winning commercial directors, renowned documentarians, ground-breaking travel and adventure filmmakers, and film industry mavericks.

These master filmmakers came from our community, care about our community, and believe in giving back. Each had their own challenging journeys, so they’ve developed highly personal classes that will change your approach to film and career development immediately.

These up-close and personal TOGETHER Workshops include in-depth video modules, live coaching calls, live QAs, and valuable hours of learning, experimenting, and supporting your career goals with actionable wisdom and advice.

This level of intimacy and engagement is unique and reflects our commitment to professional filmmaker education. All you need is a commitment to invest in your future.

So, become a member of the Academy community today. And learn, create, and share the stories that only you can tell.

ACADEMY OF STORYTELLING: committed to the art of believing. [created this tagline for the client]




TOGETHER Workshop Series

The Academy’s TOGETHER Workshop Series brings everything we’re about together for an unmatched learning experience. It’s our passion and what defines us.

Creating a workshop begins by listening to our community and identifying areas that are the most challenging, or even the most fun! TOGETHER Workshops address skills that filmmakers want to add to their toolkit and processes they won’t find otherwise. 

We then collaborate with some of the best filmmakers anywhere who excel and often work exclusively in those areas, experts with a proven approach and a desire to share what they’ve learned.

We know that no filmmaker can be the best in every area. So we dig deep to find and work with the very best authority in each discipline so you get field-tested knowledge about the exact skill and process you want to learn.

With a team of producers, directors, editors, writers, and filmmakers, the Academy of Storytellers spends months collaborating with the filmmaker/educator to deliver their content in a way that drives personal and professional growth for our community. This is our mission and passion.

We’ve been creating extraordinary educational resources for 4 years and always with the single belief that it’s not about us or the experiences we’ve had: It’s about you and your aspirations. And that’s what drives us to be the very best.


If you’re a filmmaker, then you’re a storyteller. And if we had to guess, we’d say you’re pretty passionate about it.

But growing in your craft is hard.

As filmmakers, we’ve known what it’s like to be stuck or to feel lost in the gap between where you are and where you want to be. That’s why we created the Academy of Storytellers – a community where we all improve our filmmaking together so that we can build lifelong careers in the craft we love.

Over the past several years, we’ve built a chest of knowledge in the filmmaking world. It covers nearly every aspect of the filmmaking process. And as we built it, we learned something very simple, yet easy to miss: growth happens best in community.

The Academy of Storytellers isn’t just a place where you can go to learn all the things you need to know about making amazing films. It’s a place where you can go to find a like-minded network of filmmakers driven by story and dedicated to being the best artists they can be, a place to share our wins along with our failures. A place to build real community and share some truly remarkable stories along the way.

When you join the Academy, you get hundreds of tutorials and courses designed to help you make quick, much-needed advancements in your filmmaking skills.

But most importantly, you get our total commitment to help you achieve your goals as a filmmaker. We want you to share the stories that only you can tell.