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Headline Options for Proposed Stories 

  1. Build Your LinkedIn LinkUps In 5 Easy Steps and Watch the Profile Hits Spike
  2. The LinkedIn Virtual Handshake: how this simple networking technique helps you build a memorable presence and establish a meaningful network.
  3. Getting Their Eyes on the Prize. These 5 Simple Steps To Get the Recruiters’ Attention.
  4. The Guerrilla Job Hunt. It’s pronounced “gheryeea” and it literally means ‘warrior’. It’s time to be that warrior and get fierce about your career and skills Development. These 6 Steps will get you to the next job level.



True story: few people love the job hunt. It can be stressful, demoralizing, and if it’s done improperly, can bruise your self-esteem and drag on for longer than you want.

The good news is, you can pivot away from this scenario and immediately take control over how you want your job search to go. And the better news: you have all the tools you need to do it right.

These five easy steps will help you reboot your search and jumpstart your career path.


If you’re like most people, time is in short supply. Who really has the bandwidth to spend hours creating a resume from scratch? No one. So why try to re-create what’s already been created?

  1. Steal This Description!

There’s an old counter-cultural book titled, “Steal This Book!” It was a manual written for the youth of the 60s in how to become revolutionaries. I’m not asking you to become a radical, but I’m asking you to radicalize how you find a job, and interestingly, it starts with what’s tried and true.

First and foremost, open your search engine and type in your job description plus the word “resume’. For example, “Account Manager resume”

You’ll also discover that the job title that was given to you by your company may or may not be a common title even if the work you performed is the same. If the title is common, great. If not, now you have a job title that is more in line with what recruiters are searching for. Steal this title! What matters is that the actual work you’ve performed matches the work you’re claiming you’ve performed. At some point in the hiring process, you’re going to have to prove it–and you’ll want to prove it to showcase your skills and knowledge–so be honest with what you have done and can do. The point is to align with how the industry describes the work you do today.

So now that you have a more accurate job title, you’ll also notice all sorts of descriptions for your job. These are the description fruits you need to harvest. In other words, use the language that the recruiters are using so they’ll find you faster. Focus on skill sets. If you worked on spreadsheets and developed macros and formulas, share this. If you helped your boss design a killer slide deck to identify lessons learned for a key project, share this!